The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Toki Pona edition)
translated by Sonja Lang, illustrated by Evan Dahm
Published: (paperback only)
* sitelen pona lookup chart (for new readers)
Toki Pona Dictionary, compiled by Sonja Lang
Published: July 2021 (paperback only)
Toki Pona: The Language of Good, by Sonja Lang
Published: May 2014
* Notes on lipu pu (free 2021 update)
Official translations and adaptations:
Contact Sonja Lang on Discord, Bluesky or at
Toki Pona is a human language I invented in 2001. It was my attempt to understand the meaning of life in 120 words. There are now thousands of speakers and about 120 to 140 words, depending on the speaker or metric used. In 2022, ISO 639-3 adopted the code "tok" for Toki Pona, which it categorized as a world language. Toki Pona is among the most popular conlangs online. In 2024, University of Colorado Boulder invited me to give a talk entitled From Personal Art Project to Small World Language. Read comparisons to Esperanto and common misconceptions.
—Sonja Lang
Need a translation or a text proofread? I highly recommend the work of:
Read about Toki Pona in NY Times, Gizmodo, Radio-Canada, Business Insider, The Guardian, Wikipedia, TV Tropes, The Globe and Mail, The New Yorker, ساسة بوست. More...